The highest traded Commodity in FY2012 is Silver.
- Gold
- Silver
Base Metals:
- Aluminium
- Copper
- Lead
- Nickel
- Steel
- Zinc
- Brent Crude Oil
- Crude Oil
- Natural Gas
- Crude Palm Oil
- Kapaskhali
- Cotton
- Kapas
- Cardamom
- Menthaoil
- Potato
Monday - Friday : MCX Lead/Lead Mini : 09.00 am to 11.30 pm(Summer Season) : 09.00 am to 11.55pm(Winter Season) :
The revised trading hours with effect from December 31, 2018 are as follows:
Trade Start Time
Trade End Time
Non-Agri Commodities
09.00 AM
11.30 PM / 11.55 PM
Internationally Reference able Agri Commodities (Presently- Cotton, CPO & RBDPMOLEIN)
09.00 AM
09.00 PM
All other Agri Commodities
09.00 AM
06.00 PM
How to trade in MCX LEAD/LEAD MINI:
Before going to Start trading in MCX Lead/lead Mini, should known some basic things.
Buy & Sell both can be possible in MCX Trading. People Sell a commodity without buying that commodity.
MCX trading comes under Futures trading,In Futures trading Buy/Sell depend upon future Conditions(Rate/Price may go up/down).
Some terms used in MCX Trading
Long means Buy
Short means Sell
Target means Profit booking Point/Rate
Stop loss means The point at how much loss we can afford.
One Trade completed when Buy covered Sell
Sell covered Buy.
General Rule of MCX Lead/Lead Mini Trading
Buy On Dips(Lows)
Sell On Rise (Highs)
1 kg of MCX Lead buy at Rs.131
sell at Rs.134
Profit 3 Points
1 kg of MCX Lead Sell at Rs.134
buy at Rs.131
Profit 3 Points
When ,
MCX lead/lead mini price/rate are in rising/up trend, go for Long(Buy)
MCX lead/lead mini price/rate are in rising/up trend, go for Long(Buy)
MCX lead/lead mini price/rate are in falling/down trend, go for Short(Sell)
Profit /Loss Calculation in MCX Lead/Lead Mini
MCX lead/lead mini Bought at 131,With a target of 134 and a Stoploss of 129.50.
Profit Calculation in MCX Lead
When MCX Lead reach the price of 134,our Target has achieved/reached and Profit can be made in our Trading account
Profit Points = Selling Point - Buying Point
= 134-131
= 3 points
MCX Lead Return/Yield Per one Point = Rs.5000
Profit = Profit points*yield per one point
Profit = 5000*3
So, Our Profit for that trade = Rs.15,000
Loss Calculation in MCX Lead
When MCX Lead Reach the price of 129.50,Stop loss has triggered and Loss has come to our trading account.
Loss Points = Buying Point - Selling Point
= 131-129.50
= 1.5 points
MCX Lead Return/Yield Per one Point = Rs.5000
Loss = Loss points*yield per one point
Loss = 5000*1.5
So,Our Loss for that trade =Rs.7500
Profit Calculation in MCX Lead Mini
We can apply the same points for MCX lead mini trading too.
When MCX Lead mini reach the price of 134,our Target has achieved/reached and Profit can be made in our Trading account
Profit Calculation in MCX Lead Mini
We can apply the same points for MCX lead mini trading too.
When MCX Lead mini reach the price of 134,our Target has achieved/reached and Profit can be made in our Trading account
Profit Points = Selling Point - Buying Point
= 134-131
= 3 points
MCX Lead Mini Return/Yield Per one Point = Rs.1000
MCX Lead Mini Return/Yield Per one Point = Rs.1000
Profit = Profit points*yield per one point
Profit = 1000*3
So, Our Profit for that trade = Rs.3,000
Loss Calculation in MCX Lead Mini
When MCX Lead mini Reach the price of 129.50,Stop loss has triggered and Loss has come to our trading account.
Loss Points = Buying Point - Selling Point
= 131-129.50
= 1.5 points
MCX Lead mini Return/Yield Per one Point = Rs.1000
Loss = Loss points*yield per one point
Loss = 1000*1.5
So,Our Loss for that trade =Rs.1500